All guided experiences are approximately 2 hours long, consisting of carefully crafted invitations to interact with nature using our senses as well as opportunities to express what you are noticing. Traditionally, Forest therapy ends with a tea ceremony and light refreshments. Adults and children over 14 years of age may attend.
$60 per person for 2 or more individuals
Friday and Saturday mornings 9:30am--11:30am
Inquire for other days and times
“Getting into the forest is good for the soul. Elizabeth is a very knowledgeable, thoughtful, kind-hearted guide who will help support you on your journey.” —Kristina Rogers, Muncy, PA
All private walks include quiet forest therapy invitations to interact with nature using your senses, and sharing/listening times with your Guide. Tea and snacks at the conclusion.
$75 for Private Individual 2-hour Session
Elizabeth provides flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs, morning, afternoon, or evening.
"There is a voice that doesn't use words...listen." ~Rumi
Experience the powerful connection between nature and wellness during this guided garden exploration led by certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide Elizabeth Mills.
Bask in the beauty of Longwood Gardens while exploring the practice and science of nature therapy. At the end of this nature therapy stroll, reflect on your experience as a group while enjoying light refreshments.
Events in 2024 are complete! Click below to see photos
Next date: June 4, 2025 (Rain date: June 5th)
Bring the whole team for an immersive forest therapy experience in nature--take a needed break from the work world of problem solving and stress. Help everyone relax and re-set! Enter into nature where time can peacefully stand still, ushering in refreshment that gives way to more unity, clarity and creativity in the workplace.
(Rates Vary according to location and size of group)
"Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better."
~Albert Einstein
At One With Nature, our mission is to empower individuals to achieve their health goals through nature and forest therapy in Lancaster and beyond. We believe in a comprehensive approach that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit for a balanced lifestyle. Elizabeth invites you to create space for restorative, authentic nature connections. Each week has a special focus of exploration, and includes traditional tea ceremony and light refreshments.
Register for 6 consecutive Fridays at 9:30am
or 6 consecutive Saturdays at 9:30am
$325 Total for 6 sessions in this series
Or $60 a session
Elizabeth does informative presentations on the art and science of Nature and Forest Therapy, delving into the practice and the global scientific research that is shaping this beneficial practice. Call her for details and to schedule for your organization.
Elizabeth is happy to do a guided Nature and Forest Therapy experience for your group that can include bringing Nature indoors and experiencing relaxing nature connection inside. This is especially nice for elderly groups and retirement communities where attendees may not be as able to safely walk about outside.
(Rates vary)
"In all of nature there is something of the marvelous." ~Aristotle
Landowners will speak to your group about conservation and about the 15 years of restoration process and progress at A Quiet Place farm in Lancaster County, PA. Topics include gardening for wildlife, reducing lawn, removing invasive plants and planting native plants and WHY IT MATTERS.
All inquiries, contact Elizabeth.
"Garden as if LIFE depends on it." ~Doug Tallamy
You do not have to be in the same natural setting/location with Elizabeth to experience a Forest Therapy Walk. She can guide you via FaceTime, Zoom or phone call while you are in your backyard, at the beach, a local park or even indoors. $50 for 1 1/2 hour virtual session
Select the restorative Nature therapy opportunity:
Private Nature Therapy Walk
Group Nature Therapy Walk
Growing in Nature Therapy Series
Couples Walk
Virtual Walk
One With Nature Forest Therapy will treat your gift recipient(s) to the experience of your choosing. All immersive options include a tea ceremony as well.
One With Nature Forest Therapy
Elizabeth Mills, Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States